Patriot Mobile

Christ in Christmas

We truly come to know Him and feel the unspeakable joy He has to offer when we take time to lift-up one another.  Here’s a poem by an anonymous writer to remind us of our duty to others during this blessed time of year:
  • The Patriot’s Prayer

    As we approach Election Day tomorrow, this is our Patriot’s Prayer:

  • “Trump is the Answer”- Mark Davis

    Ultimately, you may just have to (always civilly) wrap it up with the following:  We know the Trump years may contain some unknowns, and even some things we don’t favor.  But on its worst day it will be better than the nightmare of spending every day watching our rights, our economy and our war against terror eroded by a presidency we have properly feared for decades.

    Catch Mark Davis in the mornings on 660 AM the Answer and don’t forget to pick up his new book, Upside Down: How the Left Turned Right into Wrong, Truth into Lies, and Good into Bad.

  • What is America?

    As I sat there and thought of those words, I thought of Kaepernick. I thought of Donald Trump and Secretary Clinton. I thought of those who lost loved ones on 9/11. I thought of the people I met at political conferences, and I thought of the man running the convenience store a mile away.

  • A Tribute to the Greatest Generation

    Every once in a while you come across something that speaks to your heart and you just have to share it. A young friend of mine posted this to Facebook the other night, and I am sharing it with his permission. It carries the raw emotion of a true patriot and someone whose heart was changed by a gentleman from the Greatest Generation:
  • TRUMP- A Man of Action

    Refreshing? Earth shattering? Surprising? Hopeful? Exciting? I am not sure there are enough adjectives to describe what it is like to finally have a candidate openly and unequivocally declare what they believe and then lay out a proposal that actually supports those beliefs. 
  • Target Eaten and Spit Back Out

    Other Conservatives feel the same- the American Family Association started a pledge to get others, like myself, to vow not to shop at Target until the company reneged on their stance. (Sign the pledge here: Target has now put themselves in a dangerous place. They cannot change their bathroom policy to what it was before at the risk of offending Liberal shoppers, yet they are struggling to maintain where they are now because they are struggling financially due to Conservative efforts.

  • Women: Fastest Growing Group of Gun Owners in America

    I would love to see the stark difference in outcomes between a ‘Sure Shot’ mom, and a Woman Against Gun Violence policy wonk when an armed man comes after her and her little ones.

    I am sure criminals would as well.

  • The DNC Resignations Mean Nothing

    So, to date, the CEO, CFO, Communications Director, and Chairwoman of the DNC have all stepped down in the last week because of Wikileaks exposing their “covert Clinton campaign” plans.

    In a CNN video article with Wikileaks Editor-in-Chief Julian Assange, (watch the full bit here: an interesting comment is made. Assange says, “No one disputes, even a single email that we have published is authentic in the DNC and not Hillary Clinton.”

  • The “Mothers of the Movement” will Speak at the DNC Today. But You Won’t Hear Any of This..

    Today, the mothers of: Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Travyon Martin, Dontre Hamilton, Jordan Davis, and Michael Brown will grace the stage.

    Make no mistake, there will be crying. From the mothers, that lost their sons, that of course is expected, appreciated and honored. No one should feel the pain of losing a child.

    But most importantly, the American people will be in mourning with them. Heart strings tugged and tears jerked.

  • It’s not Trump vs. Jesus; It’s Trump vs. Hillary

    This week, support whichever of these two candidates best lines up with your values, and then leave it at that. Don’t expect too much from either, and strive to do the best in your community that you can. We are America. Our government is for the People, and by the People; if we aren’t the People, then who is?
  • The New Patriot Mobile

    Eos Mobile Announces Company Name Change to Patriot Mobile Dallas, TX – January 29, 2016 – Eos Mobile Holdings, LLC, America’s only conservative ph...
  • Verizon and Abortion

    While not nearly as bad as AT&T in their overt support for abortion and the politicians that support it, Verizon is still a company that has pr...